Declan got a surprise birthday present in the mail today! It was a lawn mower! Although, with the weather, I told him it was a snowblower like Daddy's. He loves watching Kyle snowblow, I do too in fact (because that means I'm not doing it! HA!) He has been sick all week with a nasty cold but he really seemed to enjoy our little playtime outside.

The newest art edition to the Wright house was our
Little Friends of Printmaking Lost inspired print. Kyle and I were HUGE Lost fans and I saw this at an alternative craft fair, I wanted it. It is Charlie in the submarine and just before he met his watery grave he wrote "Not Penny's Boat" on his hand to warn Desmond. Ah, so intense!! The colors match our room perfectly but Kyle liked it better in our living room so there is it! Love it! And a big thanks to
Picture Perfect for framing it.

Honey child, I thought the shelving unit we got for his birthday from my sister and dad would help with the clutter and toy madness that is slowly taking over our entire house. This scene happens on a daily basis. Why?! Why must he take out everything and then ditch to play with the dog bowls or the tupperware in the cabinet? I love this baby. I do not love this mess.

Last weekend of relaxation before I have a shoot every weekend for the next month or so. Cannot wait!! Bring it.
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