I do not like Christmas. Crowds stress me out, so my weekly run to the holy land (Target) is now ruined. I just want my paper towels, I don't want to be bombarded with decorations and knick knacks, my mom sends me enough stuff from Hallmark ("If you buy 12 cards, you get this dancing Snowman for $12.95!!" I don't see the bargain but I accept it. Love you Mom) I try to avoid the Christmas aisles and get what I need and get out. This can be a task when Kyle is with me because he always thinks of something he neeeeeeeeeds.

It is that time again. When my daily (shhhhh, don't tell) runs to the Bayshore Alterra are assaulted with Christmas Cheer and no parking. The mall Santa has waved to Declan and I several times but I have yet to let my kid sit on that germ factory's lap. But Mommy needs her tea to be sane so off to the mall we go.

I do tend to enjoy Christmas movies, Love Actually makes me cry like a baby every time. I could watch it over and over, which I usually end up doing. One character goes to a magical place called "Wisconsin" too! I mean, look at this scene. Let's be serious.

My in-law's watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation every Christmas Eve. We all laugh hysterically and usually are sleeping by the time Margo and Todd get into their fight..."Why is the carpet wet, Todd?!" Just kidding, I am awake because that is one of my favorite parts.

This time last year was I getting to the "hugely" pregnant and praying the baby would come on Christmas so I would have a reason to like it. This year, we aren't really decorating the house as curious little hands could cause serious damage!

Here is your dose of Mister Monsieur, man alive, I love this baby!
One thing I do love...seeing my photos on client's Christmas Cards! Thanks to everyone who has shown me and I fully expect to see some more!
www.somethingblueimages.com to get my photos of your family!!
You always bring a huge smile to my face with I read your blog entries.
"I don't know Margo."
Christmas Vacation is the greatest holiday movie ever. We watch it every year on xmas eve as well!
You only smile because you love that grandson of yours!
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