Well, after 5 months of training, the 2010 Chicago Marathon is almost here! This morning we had to take the monsieur, it has been awhile since he has gone on a long run with us but we had no sitter for today. We bundled him up the best we could to brave the 50* temp and 25 mile per hour winds. He seemed super excited to go this morning, as were we. I had a great run, Kyle's knee is still bothering him so please send him your prayers. This coming week is basically a rest week, only 5 miles on Wednesday. I am sooooo pumped about the 10th. I can taste the finish line already! See more below...
Friday came and Declan was in a great mood. Even though I had a huge list of things to do that afternoon, I pushed it aside, grabbed my kid and my camera and off we went. It felt so great to do something I wanted to do and for those 45 minutes I wasn't worried about anything. This field is right next to a bank and a chiropractor's office. There were people in the window looking at me like I was a nut job dragging this baby into a field.

Sampling the local greens
Oh. My. Gawd.
I have a senior session later today and then took next weekend off to prep for the big day! Watch for a sneak peek tomorrow morning.
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