First, I want to give a shout out to Bekaah for turning me onto Mumford and Sons! Their music reminds me so much of Ireland, even though they are English. Oh, how I miss the Emerald Isle! While I was shooting a wedding on Saturday, Kyle took Declan out to get the CD as a welcome home present, it was such a nice surprise! The wedding was awesome. It was at the Basilica of St. Josaphat followed by a reception at the Harley-Davidson Museum. That place is incredible, it was really neat to check it out. I would highly recommend it. Thanks Amanda and the newly married Schmids for allowing me to help out!
So, Sunday morning I met Bryn, Greg and Will at the Lion's Den Gorge in Grafton. The sun was shining bright and the weather was crisp. It seems the cool weather brought in sleepless nights for the children of Port Washington as neither Will nor Declan got a good night's rest on Saturday. Despite being "not as his best" as Bryn said, I was able to sneak in a few good shots before Will ran in the opposite direction. He looked so cute in his jersey blazer, I couldn't even stand it! Enjoy your sneak peak
After the shoot, Kyle, Chris, Declan, Shannon and I made our way to Miller Park for the Brewer's last home game of the season. The seats were amazing, 3 rows behind the dugout! I was really worried about how Declan would handle the noise, crowd, being confined to a seat for an extended period of time but he did fabulous. Everyone around us was commenting on how well behaved he was. The Brew Crew brought down the house with 5 home runs and a final score of 7-1. Thanks Dave and Betsy for the tickets!

Clearly loving it (good lord, look at that Homer Simpson belly my kid is rockin')
the kid with a million faces...
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