First up on this jam packed Sunday is Casey. She is a friend from school (Alverno) and was a roommate when we did our trip to Ireland. Ah, memories : ) Here is your preview Casey, I had a blast today. When you are famous, give me a shout!

So gorg!
This is Jordan, he is the son of a friend of a friend. And, one of my first senior shoots. He was super relaxed, maybe a little too much for his mom's taste but he worked the camera, even with his 2 little siblings trolling the yard!

Trying not to pay attention to the chocolate milk mess that is happening 3 feet away!
Last but certainly not least, it is Toni and co! She is another friend from school. Her kids were cute, funny, friendly, etc. Great kids. Toni, you are a super fabulous mom! She is such a hard worker, student, mom-I wanted to give her a special shout out.
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