Little girls dance their way into your heart,
whirling on the tips of angel wings,
scattering gold dust & kisses in our paths.
-- Author Unknown
I finally got to use some of my backdrop fabric! Ashlynn was the perfect model to start them out on. Lauren, her mom, had a bunch of outfits for her to wear and the most adorable shoes ever! They made me squeal "I want a little girl!" My production assistant, Kyle and set designer (destroyer), Declan, also came along. Ashlynn and Declan played for a bit, it was mostly just Declan trying to shove a fruit strip wrapper into her mouth, but hey, they both seemed to enjoy it!
Grandma and Great Grandma were also at the shoot, trying to do everything they could to get her smile! Daddy just wasn't cuttin' it today! Just kidding Dave : )
Enjoy your preview!

So sweet!
I just died of cuteness.